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Remove Fear With Sedation – Prosmiles

Put Fear to Rest with Prosmiles and Sedation Dentistry

There is a strange duality with irrational fear. Part of our internal processes understands that we are being completely irrational. And the other part of us, doesn’t care, because we are afraid.

Some things, we should be afraid or at least cautious of. Poisonous spiders, venomous snakes or a clown anywhere other than a circus tent or birthday party. The Dentist however isn’t one of them.

And still, you might be afraid. It doesn’t matter how intelligent or how logical you are. Fear isn’t rational. It can’t always be fought with logic. Going to the dentist can and is harrowing to many people.

First let it be said that avoidance is not the solution. You wouldn’t avoid a leak in the boat you were sitting in. Nor should you avoid going to the dentist. And if you develop fear and anxiety at the very prospect of going to the dentist, sedation dentistry might just be the solution for you.

Sedation or sleep dentistry is a fantastic alternative for patients who are afraid of going inside the dental clinic. With a range of anti-anxiety agents, pain relievers and being able to be put under during the procedure, the levels of discomfort, fear and anxiety are greatly diminished. The dentists at Melbourne’s Prosmiles offer sleep dentistry in Collingwood and Camberwell and for a variety of situations including:

With a friendly staff, able to talk you through the procedure, a calm and warm environment and professional holistic dentists, Prosmiles has helped many a patient with their fears. So why wait? If you, someone you know a little loved one is afraid to get their teeth looked at, you can put those fears to rest.

Contact Prosmiles

Want to know more about Sleep dentistry? Contact Prosmiles on (03) 9417 6355. They can help put any of your fears to rest regarding sedation and sleep dentistry.

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