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All on 4 Dental Implants Steps – Prosmiles Melbourne

All-On-4 Process

The Innovative Teeth Replacement Process

Smile with Confidence with the Transformative All on 4 Dental Implants

Day One- Preparation and Placement

Extractions (if necessary) are performed and the jaw is prepped for implantation. 4-6 implants are inserted according to your individual clinical situation. Throughout all-on-4 consultation we will assess the condition and structure of your mouth and jaw. Generally 4 implants are more suitable to individuals with soft bones, heavy bites and teeth grinding habits (Bruxism), however all treatment options are tailored to your particular oral health and hygiene needs.

Day Two to Three: Development and Fabrication

Post implantation surgery, your new bite is recorded for reference. Our dedicated laboratory will fabricate your new set of provisional teeth with precision. Our commitment to superior quality ensures we use premium quality teeth and high impact acrylic.

Teeth Try-in

Still set in wax, your customised teeth are ‘tried-in’. This process allows our experienced dentists to assess your smile, bite and speech – alterations are performed if required. With your formal consent and approval the ‘try-in’ set of teeth are then processed through to the final stage. All the above elements are crucial in eliminating any impairments or potential issues that may arise once the implants and prosthetics are fitted.


Your newly fixed provisional replacement teeth are secured to the implants and a follow up consultation is booked.

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